Labels:cabinet | crt screen | daily | grandstand | monitor | plant | screen | seat | sky | trade name | tree | waterfall | window | windowpane OCR: The full game features many different options or network play. They have been disabled for this preview A full demo will be released when HAVOC ships in the fall of 1995 Look for subsequent demos on the Internet. CompuServe and America Online HAVOC features cross-platform networkplay Battle opponents running MacOS Window /SR95 HAVOC Includes 2 CDs, so Jt's network playable right out of. the box! Mult-player requires modem for head -to-head action or dial-in services LAN requires TCP/IP or Appletalk Network IhiS demonstration software and all accompanying files are the property of Reality Bytes Inc. you be reverse-engir ne ered. You are granted single non-exclusive license to use this demonstration software HAVOC the HAVOC logo pue Re /Bytes are trademarks of Reality Bytes, Inc All other tr ...